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主要从事GNSS卫星精密定轨定位的理论方法、软件系统及其应用研究,近五年主持国家自然基金课题、863重点课题、中国第二代卫星导航系统重大专项课题等十余项,其它省部级及航天科技集团项目20余项。参与国家973、863以及澳洲空间联合研究中心(CRC-SI)等项目多项。获国家科技进步奖一等奖、二等奖及国家科技创新团队奖各1项,教育部科技进步一等奖、测绘科技进步特等奖。近5年在《Journal of Geodesy》《GPS Solutions》《Geophysical Journal International》《Science China-Earth Sciences 》等国内外期刊发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI检索论文25篇,授权专利2项,软件著作权5项。


2009.11-今 武汉大学 卫星导航定位技术研究中心教授

2007.6-2009.10 武汉大学卫星导航定位技术研究中心 副教授

2006.4-2007.9 荷兰 Delft University of Technology,博士后

2003.10-2006.3 武汉大学,讲师

2001.9-2004.12 武汉大学博士

1998.9-2001.7 中国地震局地震研究所硕士

1994.9-1998.7 东北大学理学院学士







1. 教育部科技进步一等奖,2010年(排名2)

2. 国家科技进步二等奖,2011年(排名2)

3. 测绘科技进步特等奖,2012年(排名15)

4. 国家科技进步奖一等奖,2013年(排名14)

5. 国家科技创新团队奖,2014年(排名10)


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,北斗卫星偏航姿态调整期间的精密轨道确定,2016/01-2018/12,;

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,重力卫星精密定轨及重力场反演,2009/0 1-2011/12;

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,低轨卫星及多卫星导航系统星座联合精密 定轨理论和软件研究,2006/01-2008/12;

4. 国家863重点课题,基于相位的实时分米级北斗定位数据处理系统技术,2014/01-2016/12,;

5. 国家863重点项目子课题,导航与位臵服务系统总体设计及系统集成,2011/01-2014/12;

6. 国家863探索课题,大范围长间距网络RTK关键技术及软件,2007/01-2010/12;

7.澳大利亚空间联合研究中心(CRC-SI)课题(中方), BeiDou precise orbit and attitude modeling for PPP-RTK,2016-2018


[1] Geng Tao, Xie Xin, Fang Rongxin*, Su Xing,Zhao Qile, Liu Gang, Li Heng, Shi Chuang, Liu Jingnan. Real-time capture of seismic waves using high-rate multi-GNSS observations: Application to the 2015 M(w)7.8 Nepal earthquake,Geophysical Research Letters,2016,43(1):161-167(SCI).

[2] Zhao Qile, Wang Guangxin*, Liu Zhizhao, Hu Zhigang, Dai Zhiqiang,Liu Jingnan, Analysis of BeiDou Satellite Measurements with Code Multipath and Geometry-Free Ionosphere-Free Combinations,Sensors,2016,16(01):123. (SCI)

[3] Zhao Qile, Wang Chen*, Guo Jing, Liu Xianglin. Assessment of the Contribution of BeiDou GEO, IGSO, and MEO Satellites to PPP in Asia-Pacific Region,Sensors,2015,15(12):29970-29983. (SCI)

[4] Wang Guangxing, de Jong Kees, Zhao Qile*, Hu Zhigang,Guo Jing. Multipath analysis of code measurements for BeiDou geostationary satellites,GPS Solutions,2015,19(1):129-139. (SCI)

[5] Guo Jing, Zhao QiLe*, Guo Xiang, Liu XiangLin, Liu JingNan, Zhou Quan, Quality assessment of onboard GPS receiver and its combination with DORIS and SLR for Haiyang 2A precise orbit determination, Science China Earth Sciences, 2015, 58(1):138-150. (SCI)

[6] Hu Zhigang, Zhao Qile*, Chen Guo, Wang, Guangxing Dai Zhiqiang, First Results of Field Absolute Calibration of the GPS Receiver Antenna at Wuhan University,Sensors,2015,15(11):28717-28731. (SCI)

[7] Zhang PengZhao Qile*, Li You, Niu Xiaoji,Zhuang Yuan, Liu Jingnan, Collaborative WiFi Fingerprinting Using Sensor-Based Navigation on Smart phones,Sensors,2015,15(7):17534-17557. (SCI)

[8] Li Min, Li Wenwen, Shi Chuang, Zhao Qile, Su Xing, Qu Lizhong, Liu Zhizhao, Assessment of precipitable water vapor derived from ground-based BeiDou observations with Precise Point Positioning approach,Advances in Space Research,2015,55(1):150-162. (SCI)

[9] Li Min, Li Wenwen, Fang Rongxin, Shi Chuang, Zhao Qile. Real-time high-precision earthquake monitoring using single-frequency GPS receivers, GPS Solutions, 2015,19(1):27-35. (SCI)

[10] Chen Gang, Zhao Qile*, Near-field surface displacement and permanent deformation induced by the Alaska Mw 7.5 earthquake determined by high-rate real-time ambiguity-fixed PPP solutions, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(34):4781-4789. (SCI)

[11] Zhang Peng,Zhao Qile*, Liu Jingnan, Liu Ning, A Brightness-Referenced Star Identification Algorithm for APS Star Trackers,Sensors,2014,14(10):18498-18514。SCI。

[12] Li Min, Qu Lizhong, Zhao Qile, Guo Jing, Su Xing, Li Xiaotao, Precise Point Positioning with the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System,Sensors,2014,14(1):927-943. (SCI)

[13] Zhao Qile, Sun Binzi*, Dai Zhiqiang, Hu Zhigang, Shi Chuang, Liu Jingnan, Real-time detection and repair of cycle slips in triple-frequency GNSS measurements,GPS Solutions,2015, 19(3):381-391(SCI)

[14] Zhao Qile, Dai Zhiqiang*, Hu Zhigang, Sun Binzi, Shi Chuang, Liu, Jingnan. Three-carrier ambiguity resolution using the modified TCAR method,GPS Solutions,2015, 19(4): 589-599 (SCI)

[15] Shi Chuang, Zhao, Qile*, Hu Zhigang, Liu Jingnan, Precise relative positioning using real tracking data from COMPASS GEO and IGSO satellites,GPS SOLUTIONS,2013,17(1):103-119 (SCI)

[16] Zhao, Qile Guo, Jing ,Li, Min,Qu, Lizhong,Hu, Zhigang,Shi Chuang,Liu, Jingnan,Initial results of precise orbit and clock determination for COMPASS navigation satellite system,Journal of Geodesy,2013,87(5):475-486。

[17] Q. Zhao, J. Guo, Z. Hu, C. Shi, J. Liu, H. Cai, X. Liu. 2010, GRACE gravity field modeling with an investigation on correlation between nuisance parameters and gravity field coefficients. Advances in Space Research, doi: 10.1018/j.asr.2010.11.041 (SCI)

[18] Q.Zhao, X.Liu, P.Ditmar,C.Siemes, E.Revtova, F.H.Hashemi, R. Klees. 2010, Water storage variations of the Yangtze, Yellow, and Zhujiang River basins derived from the DEOS Mass Transport (DMT-1) model. Science China Earth Science, doi: 10.1007/s11430-010-4096-7. (SCI )

[19] Q. Zhao, Z. Hu, J. Guo, M. Li, M. Ge. 2010,Precise Relative Orbit determination of Twin GRACE satellites. Geo-Spatial Information Science, 13(3):221-225

[20] C.Shi ,Y.Lou, H.Zhang, Q.Zhao, J.Geng, R.Wang, R.Fang, J.Liu. 2010, Estimating seismic displacement of the 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake from high-rate GPS observations. Advances in Space Research. 46(5):228-235 (SCI )

[21] Liu, X., P. Ditmar, C. Siemes, C. Slobbe, E.Revtova, R. Klees, R. Riva, and Q.Zhao.2009. DEOS Mass Transport model (DMT-1) based on GRACE satellite data :methodology, validation, and application to estimating the ice mass balance in Greenland. Geophysical Journal International. 181:769–788. (SCI )

[22] 赵齐乐,楼益栋。2009, 基于Web的GNSS数据精密分析与服务-系统设计及产品定义. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2009,34(11):1359-1362. (EI )

[23] 赵齐乐, 郭靖,柳响林,施闯。利用星载GPS 历元差分计算的平均加速度反演地球重力场. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2009,34(10):1168-1170. (EI)

[24] 李敏,赵齐乐, 葛茂荣. 2008. GIOVE-A卫星精密定轨仿真研究, 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 33(8): , P818-820 (EI )

[25] 赵齐乐, 李敏, 侯芬.2009. 基于星载与地面多模接收机的导航卫星单星定轨仿真分析,Global Navigation Satellite System: Technology Innovation and Application,, Proceeding of CPGPS 2009,P5-8. (ISTP )

[26] 赵齐乐, 耿涛,刘经南. 2009.历史轨道约束信息下的区域站GPS卫星轨道确定,大地测量与地球动力学, 29(5) P81-84.

[27] 耿涛,赵齐乐,刘经南。基于全球激光观测资料的COMPASS-M1轨道质量评定。武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2009,34(11):1290-11292. (EI )

[28] 赵齐乐,郭靖. 基于二步法利用GRACRE卫星跟踪数据反演时变重力场模型。Global Navigation Satellite System: Technology Innovation and Application,, Proceeding of CPGPS 2009,P192-198. (ISTP )

[29] 唐卫明,瞿传润,赵齐乐。网络RTK完备性系统组成研究。 Global Navigation Satellite System: Technology Innovation and Application,, Proceeding of CPGPS 2009,P34-38. (ISTP)

[30] R.Klees, X. Liu, P.Ditmar, E.Revtova, Q. Zhao, DEOS approach to gravity field modeling from KBR data acquired by the GRACE satellite mission, Abstract submitted to the International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation (GGEO), June 23-27, 2008, Chania, Crete, Greece.

[31] 耿江辉,施闯,赵齐乐,刘经南。(2007)联合地面和星载数据精密确定GPS卫星轨道。武汉大学学报(信息科学版),Vol.32, No.10, pp:906-909 (EI )

[32] Qile Zhao, Pavel Ditmar, Xianglin Liu, Roland Klees, Chuang Shi and Jingnan Liu, Determination of precise kinematic orbits of CHAMP and GRACE satellites for gravity field modeling. IUGG 2007, July 2-15, Perugia, Italy

[33] Qile Zhao, Pavle Ditmar, Xianglin Liu and Roland Klees, Gravity field modeling on the basis of satellite accelerations directly derived from onboard GPS measurements, IUGG 2007, July 2-15, Perugia, Italy

[34] 耿涛,赵齐乐,刘经南,杜瑞林. 基于PANDA软件的实时精密单点定位研究,武汉大学学报,信息科学版,2007,Vol.32,No.4(EI)

[35] Xianglin Liu, Pavel Ditmar andQile Zhao, Recovery of temporal gravity field variations from GRACE data with the range-rate combination approach. EGU 2007, Vienna 15-20 April.

[36] 赵齐乐,刘经南,葛茂荣,施闯. CHAMP 卫星cm级精密定轨,武汉大学学报· 信息科学版,2006,31(10):879~882(EI)

[37] Zhao Qile; Liu Jingnan; Ge Maorong. High Precision Orbit Determination of CHAMP Satellite. Geo-Spatial Information Science, 2006, 9(3):180-186

[38] 郭金来,赵齐乐,郭道玉. 低轨卫星精密定轨中重力场模型误差的补偿 武汉大学学报· 信息科学版,2006, 31(4), P293-296(EI)

[39] 赵齐乐;刘经南;葛茂荣. 均方根信息滤波和平滑及其在低轨卫星星载GPS精密定轨中的应用.武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2006,31(1): 12-16(EI)

[40] Geng J.H., C.Shi, Q.L.Zhao, M.R.Ge, J.N.Liu (2006). Integrated Adjustment of LEO and GPS in Precision Orbit Determination. VI Hotine-Marussi Symposium, Wuhan, P.R.China.

[41] 赵齐乐,刘经南,葛茂荣,施闯. 用PANDA软件对GPS和CHAMP 卫星的精密定轨,大地测量与地球动力学,2005,25(2):112~116