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Name: Guigen Nie

Date of birth: September 8, 1964

Place of birth: Jiang Xi, P. R. China

Citizen: P. R. China

Address: GNSS Research Center of Wuhan University, Luoyu Road 129#, Wuhan city, Hubei Province, P. R. China

Postcode: 430079

Telephone: +86-13036136519(M))

E-Mail: ggnie@whu.edu.cn

Health: Excellent:

Education and Qualifications

  • BSc of Geodesy, 1986, Department of Geodesy, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping.

  • MEng of Geodesy, 1996. Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping. Thesis title: “Research with GPS Height”

  • Ph. D. of Geodesy.2002, Wuhan University. Dissertation title: “Error analysis and application investigation of precise timing and time transfer by GPS”

Current Positions of Responsibility

Professor, Research Fellow and Teacher of GNSS Research Center of Wuhan University

Teaching Responsibilities

Applied Geodetic Surveying, GPS Theory and Application,Space geodesy, Integrating Navigation

Research Interests

Geometrical Geodesy, Satellite Geodesy and Geophysics, GPS Timing and Time Transfer, Navigation and Timing by millisecond pulsars

Professional and Scientific Affiliations

  • Member, International Association of Chinese Professionals in Global Positioning Systems (CPGPS ).

  • Member, Chinese Astronomical Society (CAS)


From 2009-present

As a Professor, teach courses on Modern Geodesy, GPS Theory and Application and supervise the graduate students. As a director responsibility for Wuhan University GNSS Station that is the key station of IGS (International GNSS Services).

From 2008—2009

As an Associate Professor, teach courses on GPS Theory and Application, Frame and modern Geodesy technology, Integrating Navigation and supervise the graduate students.


As a visitor in school of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences, the RMIT University, Australia

From2000- 2006

As a research fellow of GNSS Research Center of Wuhan University, join several projects and be chief investigator of some projects. As an Associate Professor, teach courses on GPS Theory and Application、Frame and modern Geodesy technology and supervise the graduate students.

From 1996.9-2000.7

Studied in the Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping (WTUSM). As a graduate student, the subject of my discipline is the theory and method of timing and time transfer by GPS. I have gained much experience and skills in my works, especially, in the field geodesy and Geophysics, such as in the project of ‘Tibet field works of the Earth’s Crust Move Monitoring’ in China. I am familiar Fortran, Visual C, and MATLAB developing programs.

From 1993.9-1996.7

Studied in the School of Geo-science and Surveying Engineering, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping. The specialty courses such as General adjustment, Error Processing and reliability theory, Advanced Geodesy, Principle of GPS Surveying. Finished the thesis ‘Research with GPS Height’ and received the Master Degree in Geodesy.

From 1986.8-1993.8

As an engineer, worked in Jiang Xi Bureau of Surveying and Mapping. The main duty of my job is Geodetic Control, Engineering Surveying, and Photogrammetry. As a vice general engineer, Responsible for a triumph of engineering, a large area precise control network, which was considered as excellent by Ministry of Construction of China.

From 1982.9-1986.7 Studied in the Geodesy Department of Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping. The specialty courses such as Physical Geodesy, Satellite and Space Geodesy, Measurement and Adjustment Analysis, Measurement Survey Network Analysis and Design, Practical astronomic Surveying etc. Successfully passed the defence of the thesis: Application of Splint Function in Surveying, which was awarded the excellent thesis. Received the Bachelor Degree in Geodesy.


Cheng Weiwei, Nie guigen, Cheng,Predicting Long-Term Stability of Precise Oscillators under Influence of Frequency Drift, Sensors, 2018(18):502

Changhu Xue , Guigen Nie , Haiyang Li , and Jing Wang, Data assimilation with an improved particle filter and its application in the TRIGRS landslide model, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 201818,2801–2807,018, https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-18-2801-2018

Zhang Caihong, Liu Jingna, Nie guigen, Cheng Weiwei, Realizing Terrestrial Time using Ensemble Pulsar Time, Geomatics and Science of Wuhan University, Vol. 42, No. 5, May 2017, pp589-594

Wu shuguang, Nie Guigen, Qiu Lei, Wang Shanhua, Coordinate Time Series Analysis on Reference Stations of Shenzhen CORS, Journal of Geomatics, Vol. 42, No. 3, 2017, pp117-120

Weiwei Cheng, Guigen Nie, An adaptive oscillator noise analysis using factor analysis, Metrologia Vol. 50, No. 6, pp586-595

Caihong Zhang, Guigen Nie, Rong Zou, Study on Braking Index and Large Glitch of Crab Pulsar, CPGPS 2010 Navigation and Location, Scientific Research Publishing, USA 2010, pp647-651

Guigen Nie, Kefei Zhang, Falin Wu, Bo Zhu, Research on LEO Satellites Time Synchronization with GPS Receivers Onboard, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2007, pp896-900

Guigen Nie, Kefei Zhang, Falin Wu, An Investigation of the Integrated Quasi-Stable Datum Adjustment and Kalman Filter Method for the Determination of GNSS Time System, IEICE Technical Report, ISSN:0913-5685, 2007, 107(2), pp151-156

Guigen Nie, Astronomy of satellite navigation system Journal of Beijing Normal University (Natural Science), VOL.41, No.3, 2005(3), pp277-279

Guigen Nie, Application and evolvement of timing and common view time transfer using GPS, Control Technology of Tactical Missile, 2005 (2), pp28-34

Guigen Nie, Jingnan Liu, Use of Geodetic receivers for timing and time transfer, Geo-Spatial Information Science, No.1, 2005, pp8-13

Ying Liao, Guigen Nie, Timing equipment based on FPGA and GPS, Computer & digital Engineering, 2005(6), pp15-18

Bo Zhu, Guigen Nie, Improvement of Galileo System to task RTK, Railway Investigation and Surveying, 2005(4), pp12-15

Bo Zhu, Guigen Nie, Monitoring platform of Web GPS Dynamic Information, Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, Vol.30 Supplement. June 2005, pp118-119

Qianjie Yu, Guigen Nie, GPS Common-view Timing and Error Analysis, Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, Vol.30 Supplement. June 2005, pp120-124

Guigen Nie, Jingnan Liu, Consideration of wide area precise point positioning by improved the WDGPS function of Beidou satellites system, Beidou satellite system applications forum, 2004

Guigen Nie, Yuan Wang, GPS data Quality assessing and GUI development based on TEQC soft, GNSS World of China, No.4, 2003

Guigen Nie, Jingnan Liu, Use of geodetic receivers for timing and time transfer, Wuhan City, 6-8, Nov, 2002 International Symposium on GPS/GNSS.

Guigen Nie, Jingnan Liu, GPS Timing for Power System Application, Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, Vol. 27, No.2 Apr. 2002

Guigen Nie, Jingnan Liu, The discuss of scheme of satellite time synchronized system, Younger people Symposium on National high-tech Aeronautics and Astronautics, 28-30 May, 2002, Xian

Guigen Nie, Jingnan Liu, Yongqi Chen, Use of geodetic receivers for timing and time transfer, 2002 Navigation and ITS Application Symposium, 10-12 Oct. 2002, NanKing

Guigen Nie, Processing Surveying Data by MATLAB. Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, No.2.2001

Jianhua Wan, Guigen Nie, Mobile Mapping System, Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, No.7.1999

Guigen Nie, Jingnan Liu, Yongqi Chen, Combination of GPS and GLONASS for time transfer and applications, International Symposium on GPS. (Poster on GPS 99 in Tsukuba, Japan).

Guigen Nie, Jianhua Wan, The Effect of Various Ellipsoids by GPS Ellipsoid Height, Geotechnical Investigation and Surveying. No.3.1998

Guigen Nie,Yonggang Zhu, Shaoquan Xu, The Improving and Application of moving Interpolation Formula. Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, No.10.1998

Guigen Nie, Jianhua Wan, Application of Surveying by Akima Interpolation Method, Science of Surveying and Mapping, No.3 1998

Guigen Nie, Yongqi, Chen Jingnan Liu, Integration of GPS and Mobile Communication, International Symposium on Spatial Information Science, Technology and ITS Applications 1998 WTUSM, Wuhan, China.

Research Projects:

Research and build of the BeiDou Augmentation of Shenzhen CORS, Funding Sources: Shenzhen planning and Land Resources Commission (2015.10-2017.3)

Research and build of the BeiDou Augmentation of Zhongshan CORS, Funding Sources: Shenzhen planning and Land Resources Commission (2014.11-2016.1)

Research on the time datum of navigation satellite system based on timing of millisecond pulsars, Funding Sources: National Natural Science Foundation of China (2011.1-2013.12)

Hubei continual operation reference system (CORS), Funding Sources: Bureau of Hubei Surveying and Planning (2009.1-2010.12)

Building of five stations of continual operation reference system of CMONOC (The Crustal Movement Observation Network of China). CMONOC is a network of large scale and high precision that covers over the whole China mainland with GPS as its main observation technique and combined with existing techniques of Space Geodesy such as VLBI and SLR, and combined with precise leveling and gravimetry. Funding Source: National Earthquake Infrastructure Service (2008.1-2009.12)

Research on the precise time datum and time transfer based on the satellites, Funding Sources: National Natural Science Foundation of China (2007.1-2007.12)

Research on integrating method of satellite and ground clock form time system, Funding Sources: Province Natural Science Foundation of Hubei (2006.1-2007.12)

Space-time frame and precise navigation and position, Funding Sources: Subject of state 973 planning project (2006CB701301)(2006.1-2010.12)

Standard edit of satellite navigation system coordinate system, Funding Sources: China Electronic Standardization Institute (2004~2006.12)

Research on integrating applying method of multi-satellites navigation system, Funding Sources: Opening research fund of key laboratory of Bureau of surveying and Mapping. (2006.1~2007.12)

Gravity field determination and precise positioning using satellite observations, Funding Sources: Sino-Swedish Scientific and Technological Cooperation (2004.1~2005.12)

Research on the Internet –based GPS data auto-Processing, Funding Sources: Opening research fund of state key laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (2006.1~2007.12)

High-precision time and frequency transfer for low orbit satellites, Funding Sources: Open Research Fund Program of the Geomatics and Applications Laboratory, Liaoning Technical University (2006.1-2007.12)

Develop GPS OEM Board for phase determining of Power line, Funding Sources: Bureau of Power administration(2004.1-2006.12)

Application of GPS to traveling wave fault locating for Power line, Funding Sources: Bureau of Hubei Power Administration(2004.1-2006.12)

Use of geodetic GPS receivers for timing and time transfer. Funding Sources: the key laboratory of Geospace Environment and Geodesy, Ministry of Education, China(2002.1-2003.12)

Software developing of satellite positioning and orbit determining. Funding Sources: National Natural Science Foundation of China.(2001.1-2003.12)

Converter thickness surveying system by Laser Scanning. Funding Sources: Wuhan steel company.(2000.1-2002.12)

GPS continual operating server System, Funding Sources: Bureau of Plan and Land of Shenzhen.(1999.1-2001.12)

Deformation monitoring for the dam of Yangtze Rive. Funding Sources: Committee of the Yangtse Rive, China (1998.1-2000.12)

Wuhan Continual operating Multifunction DGPS pilot project, Funding Sources: Bureau of Science and Technical of Wuhan City (1998.1-1999.12)

Deformation Monitoring for the area of steel factory, Funding Sources: Shanghai Baoshan Steel Company. (1997.1-1999.12)